Time and Money, Circa 2019

Image result for time is moneyI've been in the habit of doing this "time and money" check every two years (click here for similar posts from 2017, 2015, 201320112009, and 2007), but going forward it might be slightly less often.  Y'know, the whole "I have less time" thing.  Anyway, let's start with time:

Sleep 30% (30% in 2017)
Work 35% (35%)
Kid errands like bedtime, meals, shuttling 15% (15%)
Prayer, church 2.5% (2.5%)
Adult errands like paperwork, chores, house 5% (7.5%)
Adult fun like dates, leisure, exercise 10% (7.5%)
Family fun like outings, board games 2.5% (2.5%)

Still a pretty punishing schedule, but glad I'm holding the line on sleep and making more time for leisure and exercise (dates not so much, although made up for by a few kid-free long weekends throughout the year).

Now, the money:
Taxes 30% (25% in 2017)
Saving for retirement, college 20% (25%)
Giving to church, charities 10% (10%)
Mortgage/transportation 10% (7.5%)
Utilities/telecom 5% (5%)
Child care 5% (12.5%)
Groceries, personal care 10% (7.5%)
Home furnishing/maintenance 2.5% (2.5%)
Health care 2.5% (2.5%)
Leisure, discretionary 5% (2.5%)

The big changes here are that preschool is cheaper than a nanny, the kids are eating more food, and Amy and I are taking more mini-vacations (as noted above). 


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