Getting Around on My Own Two Wheels

A year ago when the pandemic hit, we pivoted Asher to a daycare a few miles away from us, which I got him to via subway.  When the month flipped into April, I decided not to renew my subway pass, and instead drove Asher to daycare with my bike in the back, so I could bike home and then return by bike in the afternoon.  

I still haven't bought a monthly pass.  Rather, since then, I've ridden that bike 2,209 miles, which is precisely 2,209 more miles than I'd ridden it in the past several years combined (although I'd ridden exercise bikes at the Y and rented bikes when on vacation during that time).  That mileage figure may seem impressive, but consider that it's my primary mode of commuting to work now, and for a while was regularly in my morning exercise routine, and you can see how it's easy to rack up the miles over time.  

Who knew everything would last this long, that biking would prove to be useful for so many types of trips, and that I would enjoy it so much?  It may still be awhile before it's worth it for me to get a subway pass again.  But I suspect that even when I do, I'll be using that bike more than zero times a year.  


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