1st Year in the Books

Image may contain: one or more people, people standing and indoorToday marks the close of the 2018-2019 fiscal year for the School District of Philadelphia and thus the end of the first year that the Philadelphia Board of Education, of which I am a member, has been in office.  What an incredible, overwhelming, and educational experience it has been.

It's been logistically challenging and emotionally exhausting.  We've accomplished a lot and have a long way to go.  I've learned so much from every encounter with a teacher, principal, cafeteria worker, advocate, and parent.  I didn't meet nearly as many of our 203,000 kids, but the ones I did interact with left an imprint on me with their industry, talent, and potential.

I'm doing this because it's so important on so many levels, and I'm humbled and excited that I have such an opportunity.  More lies ahead - more heartache, more progress, more challenges, and more work.  Let's do this!


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