Too Short for a Blog Post, Too Long for a Tweet 103
Back across the Atlantic, another man was thinking along the
same lines. Joseph Wharton was a savvy Quaker who had parlayed his early
training in chemistry into an industrial empire stretching from fertilizer and
zinc oxide works to Bethlehem Steel. He believed that the development of
American industry required jettisoning the free-trade theories that had lately
taken root in England—and that justified American dependence on British
manufacturing on the basis of Ricardian notions about economic efficiency and
comparative advantage.
“The prestige universities like Harvard and Yale were all
pro-trade,” says economic historian Michael Hudson, a research professor of
economics at the University of Missouri-Kansas City. “They were affiliated with
the trading interests. And there really wasn’t any manufacturing industry,
apart from Pennsylvania, to push its own interests.”
So Wharton, perceiving what he dubbed an “intellectual
hiatus in the business life of the nation,” endowed an entirely new kind of
college at the University of Pennsylvania. The Wharton School of Finance and
Economy would train a rising elite in “business management and civil
government.” He envisioned a new class of virtuous administrators with
explicitly civic-minded values. Whether they chose to “serve the community … in
offices of trust” or manage private enterprises according to “sound financial
morality,” they would focus on solving “the social problems incident to our
Aside from those generalities, the industrialist had a
specific pedagogical demand: that the “fungus” of free trade economics be
stamped out in the classrooms of the new school. “No apologetic or merely
defensive style of instruction must be tolerated upon this point,” he
admonished the trustees in 1881, “but the right and duty of national
self-protection must be firmly asserted and demonstrated.”
“Essentially,” says Hudson, “the Wharton School was the
think tank for American industrialization. … [Its founder] was saying: Look, if
we’re going to industrialize, we need a whole theory of how to get a trade
policy and a government infrastructure policy to support industry.”