New Year's Resolutions
1. Body - run 500 miles, swim 50 miles, lift 120 times, bike 500 miles, eat
The older I get and the more responsibilities I take on, the
more important self-care becomes. I am
reasonably happy with my habit-forming on exercise, diet, and sleep. (I'm turning a blind eye to my increasingly sweet tooth. Hey, I eat salad and fruit, too!) My workout tallies for 1/1/17-12/1/17: ran 556 mi, swam 51 mi, lifted 120 times, biked 495 miles . Grade:
2. Civic – join one or two more boards.
Love how civically minded Philly is and therefore what great
people and issues I get to intersect with on my boards. This year, I joined the boards of Greater
Philadelphia Cultural Alliance and Preservation Alliance of Greater
Philadelphia, and the advisory boards of Biblical Theological Seminary,
Philadelphia Association of Community Development Corporations, PHL Diversity. Grade: B.
3. Friends and family – shrink the time between contacts
(varies by person).
I should be there for others, and I should practice
vulnerability in reaching out to others when I need help. Goodness knows the need was there, all
around. I have high standards when it
comes to keeping in touch with loved ones, and so despite the fact that I ought
to and do have realistic expectations about what is possible at this stage in
my life, I know I can do better. Grade:
4. House – 2-3 more projects.
Started to get the house ready for a 4th child
and then had that fall apart. Still reeling from that on many levels. Grade: C.
5. Kids – 1 on 1 times each month.
Less quantity of time but good quality of time. Family trips, Jada to DC and Aaron to
Hershey, and Asher just about every free waking hour all added up to some special
times. I love my kids and I love the
time I get to spend with them. Grade: B.
6. Marriage – at least one date night per month.
This was the year of the adults-only getaway: Miami (twice),
Richmond, and Wilmington, plus a staycation in downtown Philly. Not many normal dates but the kids-free
overnighters were a lot of fun. Grade:
7. Mind – read 50 books, learn Chinese.
Reading is so rejuvenating to me so I went to this well a
lot this year. Got to almost 70 books,
which I’ll post titles and ratings for tomorrow. Got through my Mandarin lessons a couple
times through, and am slowly progressing albeit still very primitive. Grade: B.
8. Self – three hours per week of uninterrupted me time,
three personal day getaways.
A lot of this was addressed in “Body” above, but self-care
is more than that, and on that front I did so-so. No such thing as large swaths of free time,
so you pick your spots when you can.
Grade: C
9. Spiritual – 100 Bible memory verses, one extra hour per
week of praying.
The memory verses are a good morning discipline along with
reading through the Bible and praying. I
am glad to reinforce this habit and hope to convey its importance to my
kids. Grade: B
10. Work – ten quality reports.
Of the many things I love about my job, the work I get to do
and the people I get to do it for is way up there. Lots of great projects here in the region,
plus interesting gigs in LA, Atlanta, Chicago, and Pittsburgh. Grade: B