Too Long for a Tweet, Too Short for a Blog Post XXXII
Francisco does not have enough places to live. Sonja Trauss, a local
activist, thinks the city should tackle this problem by building more
housing. This may not sound like a controversial idea. But this is San Francisco. Ms.
Trauss is a self-described anarchist and the head of the SF Bay Area
Renters’ Federation, an upstart political group that is pushing for more
development. Its platform is simple: Members want San Francisco and its
suburbs to build more of every kind of housing. More subsidized
affordable housing, more market-rate rentals, more high-end
condominiums. Ms.
Trauss supports all of it so long as it is built tall, and soon. 'You
have to support building, even when it’s a type of building you hate,'
she said. 'Is it ugly? Get over yourself. Is it low-income housing? Get
over yourself. Is it luxury housing? Get over yourself. We really need
everything right now.'”