More Lazy Linking
Facebook. Well duh. Enough with the's a great way to go through life together with your favorite 1,000+ people in the world.
Quora. My guiltiest guilty pleasure. This can be a rabbit hole for me, and I'm equally happy learning deep stuff and laughing my arse off.
This Good World. A very cool directory of socially responsible companies. I hope this really scales.
Discover Magazine blogs. I was never good at science in school but it never stopped me from being curious about it.
Believe it or not, I don't actually spend a lot of time on sports or news. I like New York Times and Grantland, and will occasionally check the scores on ESPN. But that's about it. The teenage version of me - I must have memorized millions of sports stats and pored through box scores like a cure for cancer was on the line - would be horrified at what I've become.