Philly's Buzzing
Don't get me wrong: I thoroughly enjoy grinding out analyses, reports, and proposals. And I think I'm pretty good at it. But I'm also supposed to be out and about, working my networks and building new connections. Also, when you hire people smarter than you, it's best to get out of their way and let them do what you can't do as well.
Case in point. At a recent meeting, everyone was in sync about what to do except me, so I asked: how can I help? Awkward silence. I got the hint: we got this. I smiled a big smile. It feels good to have good people.
So, much more than I have been doing these past few months, I'll be circulating, trying to insert myself where I can be helpful in the hopes that business opportunities will follow. It helps that things are hopping in Philly now. (Or perhaps they have been, but I've just had my nose in my laptop all this time and didn't notice.)
For example, check out GlobalPhilly 2013 and DesignPhiladelphia, two mega-movements representing scores of events where good people and good ideas will be circulating. It's good to see Philly playing in both of these worlds, because they indicate a city that is asserting itself as forward-thinking, fluid, and innovative. That's the kind of town I'm looking forward to circulating in. Hope to see you around!