Lazy Linking, 77th in an Occasional Series
77.1. One of my favorite writers (Michael Lewis), on one of my favorite reading topics (Barack Obama)? Yes, please.
77.2. Higher gas taxes are much better than higher fuel efficiency standards in getting us to become more fuel efficient. Too bad we're moving further away from being able to propose that.
77.3. Not only do the Raiders suck, but their approach to punting is statistically inferior.
77.4. Incredible images of San Francisco from 1906 and today blended together.
77.5. In defense of the Chicago school economics: you don't have to think that markets work all the time, just that governments work worse.
Greg Mankiw (Harvard professor)
Milton Friedman (economist)
George Shultz (Reagan's Secretary of State)
Kevin Hassett (advisor to Romney)
Mike Enzi (Senator, Wyoming)
Paul Foster (CEO, Western Refining)
Speaking of Mankiw, he's created something called the Pigou Club and keeps track of when people "out" themselves as for gas taxes: