If you want to beat back global warming, you can write in Al Gore for President, buy bamboo paint, or slap a solar panel on your roof. Or you can just move to a city. According to a report by Urban Land Institute, reversing the explosive growth in greenhouse gas levels is darn near impossible without aggressive increases in compact development: ”Growing Cooler: The Evidence on Urban Development and Climate Change” (warning: very large pdf file). Couple this with a boom in urban dwelling and in green construction, and you could have a very different population distribution in the post-fossil fuel economy. And, pardon the pun, that would be pretty cool.
If you want to beat back global warming, you can write in Al Gore for President, buy bamboo paint, or slap a solar panel on your roof. Or you can just move to a city. According to a report by Urban Land Institute, reversing the explosive growth in greenhouse gas levels is darn near impossible without aggressive increases in compact development: ”Growing Cooler: The Evidence on Urban Development and Climate Change” (warning: very large pdf file). Couple this with a boom in urban dwelling and in green construction, and you could have a very different population distribution in the post-fossil fuel economy. And, pardon the pun, that would be pretty cool.