Asian-Americans now have a version of Maxim, FHM, and the like: SAM Magazine, “for the successful alpha male.” Billed as a way to counter negative stereotypes of the Asian male, the rag’s goals (taken from their website) are “1) to enhance the image of Asian Americans; 2) to entertain and have a good laugh; 3) to encourage self-improvement; 4) to appreciate art and beauty; and 5) to make positive contribution to the world.” Meanwhile, the site itself (and I’m sure the print mag as well) are peppered with seductive pictures of scantily clad Asian women with captions like “Turquoise Fox” and “Pets of Sam.”

Wow. Where to begin? How about the fact that the publication is reinforcing the worst negative stereotypes of Asian females. That giving Asian guys sexy pictures to look at certainly does nothing to enhance the image of Asian males. Or that even the articles in the categories of “self-improvement,” “success,” and “world peace” (as if this was the kind of mag you would get for the articles) are peppered with, you guessed it, more seductive images.

Call me prude all you want – and I do evaluate this mag from the standpoint of lust and morality. But I also look at it from the perspective of an Asian-American male who seeks success and who cares what the mass media impression of successful Asian-American males is. And from that point of view, I am saddened and upset by this addition to the pop culture landscape. This publication brings nothing to the cause and takes a lot from the cause. For shame.


Unknown said…
Saw the site you were talking about. All of what you said is accurate. It is sad that "representation" in the business sense still takes on the form of discrimination that feeds the lack of representation.
It is also sad that men's stuff - whether it is a magazine or a ministry in the church - focuses so prominently on the sexual. It's as if men are will to "settle" for sexuality as the primary & only basis for our identity. As real and significant and also dangerous male sexuality is, we really need to see our search for significance as being much deeper. Easily said, unfortunately (by way of confession...)

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