I think a lot at work about how to best influence my students and staff in positive ways. Lately, that’s had me thinking about who’s influenced me. I’m realizing that who I am is a composite of all of these great people I’ve had the pleasure and privilege of crossing paths with in my life. Like the major theme of “It’s a Wonderful Life,” if any of them had not taken the time to influence me, I’d be less of person.

For example, from my parents I learned how to work hard and do things the right way, how to plan ahead when it comes to time and money, and how to live a balanced and honest life. I gained from them an appreciation of nature through our National Geographic magazine subscription and hiking trips, an appreciation of body through good eating and regular exercise, and an appreciation for culture through piano lessons and concert symphonies.

I have my cousin Geoff and my childhood nextdoor neighbor Jack to thank for my love of baseball. My childhood friend Alex got me into math puzzles, while another childhood friend Peter got me into wordplay. My high school freshman English teacher Ms. Weisend helped coax me out of my shyness in order to develop my leadership skills, and my Future Business Leaders of America advisor Mr. Longinetti helped me cultivate my love for business.

My good friends Yung and Ben took turns inviting me to church during my teen years and continue to serve as an example of how to be a good Christian. My very first pastor was so patient with me as I stumbled around in my new faith like a bull in a China shop; if there is any patience in me towards young Christians, I learned it from Pastor Lo.

My InterVarsity Christian Fellowship staff member Dave became a role model for me in Christian leadership by his example and his work with me. Time and space do not permit me to list all of the wonderful Christian brothers and sisters I socialized with in college, each of whom I still seek to emulate in some shape or form. I have learned from my boss Della how to sell and how to inspire, and from my former pastor George how to love and how to listen.

I believe that when you choose to marry someone, you are deciding that whoever you become and whoever they become, you are going to let that person be the #1 influence in your life, and you are committing to be the #1 influence in their life. And that has been the case with Amy and me. From her I have been introduced to the world of mothers and babies (her first nursing job) and abused girls (her second). I have learned a little of how Jesus must have loved people when He was on this earth. And in all the ways we are different, we’ve learned to meet halfway and I have to say now that halfway is better for me than the extreme that I used to be.

This blog is hopelessly obscure and self-absorbed, but it has been fun for me. I only hope that others who know me, upon reflecting on their own amalgamated life, will consider me a positive influence in demonstrating something good they sought to emulate, in helping them discover something good about themselves I helped them blossom in. Happy is the Christian whose life is lived for others in this way.


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