Affectionate friendships are a recurring theme in the New Testament. Perhaps I'm reading too much into the subject; after all, half of the book is personal letters from one or more people to a group of people. Or perhaps it is the intention of the Almighty for His Word to be communicated largely through the lens of friends writing to friends.

At any rate, I feel increasingly thankful that I too have been blessed with meaningful relationships in my life. Why, just this week alone, it seems every stage of my life will be represented in the form of some precious contact with a friend. The last two nights, I've been blessed with the chance to catch up with my former associate pastor, who counseled Amy and I three years ago and performed our marriage ceremony, and his wife; followed by a dinner downtown with two of my closest friends from work, one of whom leaves Philadelphia for grad school next month. Today, I got a letter in the mail from an old high school buddy of mine that was filled with Christian love and tenderness. Tomorrow, a friend of mine from college arrives in town to attend a wedding; he's staying at our house while he's here.

And of course, my friendship with my wife Amy deepens. So the sparks don't fly as often, nor do I get the sweaty palms and the heart palpitations as much. But they still happen. And what we have now that we didn't have back in our days of courting is a comfort level with one another. We talk politics, tell each other crass jokes, argue, and forgive one another. Best of all, when we're together, we're allowed to just be. How wonderful!

Paul once told the Thessalonians that they were his "joy and crown." I too feel undeservedly and richly blessed in the area of dear friends. They are like precious jewels to me, and I treasure them with all my heart. Though many come and go (and some go quite far), and with their departure there is sadness, so there is also a depth of connection that knows there will be another time in the future to renew acquaintances and to rejoice in what we have in each other. I can hardly think of any better blessing.


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