Is Violence Ever Justified
This Monday, my bus ride home had to route around the Penn campus. Looking out the window I saw heavy police presence, which I later searched for online to learn it was a pro-Palestine march that had taken over the main autostreet through campus . According to this post by an independent campus newsorganization , protestors chanted things like “Israel is a terrorist state” and “Intifada, intifada, long live the intifada.” As I wrote a couple of months ago, this generation is outraged, so much so that a large proportion found the murder of an insurance executivelast year to be justified . I am trying to give wide berth to the notion that things can get so messed up that violence, while hard to justify in cold blood, at the very least evokes some empathy. Friends of mine who I respect have instructed me on the logic of revolutions, which are sometimes necessary and seldom bloodless. I remain unconvinced that we should celebrate people who kill leaders we don’t like,...