Just for kicks and giggles (and this just shows you weird I am, that this kind of thing is kicks and giggles for me), I decided to track where I spend my time over the course of a week, just to get a sense of where these 168 hours per week are going. Not surprisingly, sleep (54 hours) and work (40) are number one and two by a landslide.

The next tier of time users, surprisingly, are cooking/eating (11), reading/crosswords (9 2/3), personal projects [like blogging!] (8), quality time with my wife (7 1/2), and praying (7). After that goes exercise (4 1/2), errands/housework (4 1/2), sports [TV + Internet] (4.5), church stuff (3.5), and TV (3.5). Finally, bringing up the rear are travel by car [because of a work-related drive to Atlantic City for a presentation; normally time in the car would be much less, since I walk to work] (2 5/6), social time (2.5), hygiene (2 1/3), travel by walking (1 1/2), and travel by public transportation (1).

So as you can see, I live a pretty introverted life: not a lot of social time, lots of individual projects like reading and blogging and personal development, more work time by a lot than quality time with my wife. This is a relatively slow week, too, as I had no major travel engagements (besides AC) and nothing but free time over the weekend. My wife and I have been talking about taking our workaholism down a notch, and the numbers back that up.

Of course, some of these categories are fuzzy, as there are times I am eating AND spending time with my wife AND watching TV, and technically driving to AC for a work presentation could go under work. You get the picture; but as much as possible, I tried to divvy up the times in a fair manner. It's interesting to see where the time goes. It's kind of a pain to track for a week, but I encourage you to do it, too.


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