2012 Resolutions, 10 of 10

https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhz6_iRhLJ_6oR86fUsvaImZ4dmqRurzM4NT27Z_849WPinD8AO5Uml9gm_BvS-iL3o45vuqpS9Ldn6UVeNsL3nf81RP2Rr3K-6zTTVV04rpSWUF3itsMdeiaFKxahw7eeMd_wT/s1600/resolutions.jpgTwo years ago, I blogged about ten resolutions for 2011, and posted the entry on the bulletin board behind my desk so I could stare at it all year long.  One year ago, I blogged about how I did on these ten resolutions.  In sum: some B’s, some C’s, and (gulp) some D’s. As for this year (and as for next year, let’s roll over these resolutions and see how I do in 2013):

10. Work – ten quality reports.

I’ll let my clients be the final arbiters of whether my reports were quality, but here are some I did in 2012 that I am proud of and that I enjoyed intellectually: 

Analysis of City of Philadelphia authorized depositories

Analysis of City of Philadelphia utilization of minority- and women-owned businesses

Economic impact analysis of Drexel University

Economic impact analysis of Children's Hospital of Philadelphia

Three economic impact analyses of proposed corridors of new real estate development

Economic impact analysis of the Philadelphia Auto Show

Economic impact analysis in support of proposed casino development in Philadelphia

Economic impact analysis of new real estate development in Northern Liberties

Economic impact of community development corporations in Philadelphia

Negative impacts associated with capital funding cuts to public housing authorities nationwide

Economic impact of bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure expansion in North Carolina

Grade: B. 


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