But What is the Solution

Pick a controversial topic - say gun control, or climate change - and you will not lack for commentary, laments, and outrage from your civically engaged friends.  And justifiable too, since by definition if we're talking about controversial topics then we're talking about subjects that are of critical global importance, cut deep to our hearts, and engender heated debate.  



All well and good, it's a free country, good to get things off your chest, and so on.  But, I wonder, what is the actual solution?  Do we want to complain about the problem forever?  Or do we want to work towards a solution?

I'm not trying to bait or be coy, I'm honestly interested, especially on many topics I admit I am far more ignorant than I should be given the stakes.  And I do want to learn and get motivated and be part of progress.

If you are also interested in making a difference, and know more than me (which is, as noted, on many subjects not hard to do), I ask you to intersperse into your commentary and laments and outrage the following, and I'll even give you a choice between two questions.

  • First, in our current two-party climate, what is a political and policy approach that can actually go forward and get something substantive done?  This is the world we live in, so if you want to get stuff done in the real world you have to answer this question.


  • Forget about the real world for a second, or at least our current version of it.  Let's say that the long game is to vote out the bums on the other side and vote in the good people on your side.  And let's say I can snap my fingers and that has happened (and, importantly, that in the process of getting your people into office, no compromises or deals needed to be brokered).  So now you have all the power.  What's the solution now?

I suspect that the first question is easier to answer than the second question.  I also suspect that the second question is still not easy to answer.  And that is because controversial issues are controversial not just because people disagree on them, but because they are vexing problems to solve.  

By no means does this mean we throw up our hands and give up.  Far from it.  If we care, we know that it's all the more to give energy to these hard challenges, because they are the thing that will matter the most for the long run and we must summon the extra motivation to not give in but press on.  

But if that's the case, then please append to your commentary and lament and outrage some action.  Because I'm just as tired as you are of the problem.  And I'm eager to move us towards a solution.


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