Lazy Linking, 86th in an Occasional Series

What I liked lately on the Internets:

86.1 Mesmerizing time lapse video of Philly @westphillylocal

86.2 Tina Fey’s lasting impact on the industry she so ruthlessly and deliciously mocked @nytimes

86.3 ND literally on fire: now 2nd largest oil producer in the US @kottke

86.4 Making OJ “1 of the most complex applications of business analytics…1 quintillion decision variables” @consumerist

86.5 IMHO thus far the best and fairest coverage of the Penn Alexander lottery decision @pkerkstraAlex Soth


Joel GL said…
My favorites:

86.1, 86.4, and

LOVED 86.5! I went ahead and bought an annual subscription to Forefront.

"Connecting cities and informing the people working to improve them." I'm staking my claim as one of those people, and my hope is that one day such work will be my day job and not something I have to beg, steal and borrow to do. Part of my willingness to subscribe is a hunch that reading it may actually help me make that transition.

I'm going to be scouring the website's archives for material on metro regions.
LH said…
Joel, I also encourage you to follow @pkerkstra.
Joel GL said…
Lee- totally serious question: how do you (Lee, not "one") integrate Twitter into your life? I'm overwhelmed with all the ways I can take in little micro-bits of other people's minds-- it's terrifying!

Keep in mind, I'm not an "I", I'm an "E"-- so that means when I see people tweeting, my instinct (often) is to tweet something back. And that's just Twitter-- don't get me started with Facebook. And LinkedIn has some interesting stuff going on on it too... Do you feel me? I could blow all my waking hours, doing nothing but reading blogs, commenting on them, tweeting, linking, liking, Digging, +1'ing... and then rinse and repeat.

Hey! I think I just discovered my new job!
Joel GL said…
I have a vague memory of you saying something here on the blog about Twitter, sometime in the last few years. But I don't think there's a way to search just your blog entries, for "twitter"?
Joel GL said…
Testing (profile photo)
LH said…

There should be a search box in the upper left of my blog, where you can search.

Re: your question about Twitter, I almost rarely read my feed. You're right, even though I follow a relatively small number of people (~150), at any given time there might be dozens of interesting things I could look at. So I don't even bother, because I don't have the time.

I do like Twitter as a place to post things, whether for others to read and riff off of, for my mom to see what we're up to, or for me to document something to look at later. It's surprisingly often that all I have to say can be captured in well under 140 characters!

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