2011 Resolutions, 9 of 10
A year ago, I blogged about ten resolutions for 2011, and posted the entry on the bulletin board behind my desk so I could stare at it all year long. It’s now time to grade myself on how I did. Next is . . .
9. Spiritual – 100 Bible memory verses, one extra hour per week of praying.
Some good, some bad. Bible memory verses have been a great addition to my morning times with God. I actually made a list of 120 verses to memorize, and did about two a week, so am up to about 100, and will start over once I get to the end. As for praying, not so good. Forget one extra hour per week of praying: I don’t think I did this even once in 2011. That’s not good. Too busy to pray? It should be too busy not to pray. I’m calling this a D.
Resolution for 2012: same as 2011.