Creative Class

Ben Affleck had an insightful take on the future of Hollywood as AI gets better and better. Video below:


To be sure, we too are derivative. Rare is the genius who can produce out of nothing, more common being folks who are influenced by those who preceded them in the field. Indeed, it is a mark of intelligence and talent to process that which has existed, in order to make something that has never been seen before.

Will computers ever get there too? Will we ever see something that is truly artificial (not made by man) and intelligence (made anew, not derivative)? This is above my pay grade to suss out. 

What I am prompted to muse on is the extent to which we are, as humans, each of us unique human beings, making the most of the content we have access to, and striving to make something new and special with it that no one else can. That is a lofty and inspiring opening. May we seize the chance while we can.


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