Lazy Linking, 236th in an Occasional Series

Stuff I liked lately on the Internets:

236.1 On October 9 you'll get to hear Beethoven's 10th Symphony, completed w/the help of AI

236.2 One way to prioritize pedestrians over drivers is the so-called Dutch solution of having sidewalks override streets rather than the other way around @NotJustBikes

236.3 Stanford students riding bikes outside on campus were more likely to be wearing masks than helmets @StanfordReview

236.4 TIL the ubiquitous Chinese takeout box started out as a solution to the at-the-time common need to carry oysters around @TheDieline

236.5 "Cooperative overlap," which is talking with/over others can be seen as rude or affirming, depending on your cultural upbringing @AnilDash


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