Music to Work to
I have never been a "listen to music while studying/reading/working" kind of person. But in this extended home office era, I've found tunes to be a useful accompanist. I have my headphones on most of the time already, given all the phone calls and video calls that have substituted for my usual meeting-dense schedule. And there are many more distractions at home than in my work office, so music reminds me to stay on task and not wander in my thoughts or eyes.
Partly as a placeholder for me and partly to give you a window to my 9-to-5 (well, maybe closer to 7-to-8 with two breaks) soundtrack, here are some of my current go-to's (see below). What works for you?
Partly as a placeholder for me and partly to give you a window to my 9-to-5 (well, maybe closer to 7-to-8 with two breaks) soundtrack, here are some of my current go-to's (see below). What works for you?