Lazy Linking, 212th in an Occasional Series
Stuff I liked lately on the Internets:
212.2 Astounding to me that w/so much financial gain + social well-being at stake, Twitter is poorly set up to do the very thing we use it for, which is to have and follow a complex conversation @theatlantic
212.1 Polar vortex + frozen outsides + rotting insides = "ghost apples" @thisiscolossal
212.2 Astounding to me that w/so much financial gain + social well-being at stake, Twitter is poorly set up to do the very thing we use it for, which is to have and follow a complex conversation @theatlantic
212.3 An
unanticipated consequence of heavy Chinese investment in infrastructure
in Africa: the Africans are converting the Chinese to Christianity @unherd
212.4 A new wave of celebrities leaning into chastity, piety, and "cool" Christianity @voxdotcom
212.5 By far the biggest life hack in terms of productivity and immunity: getting a good night's sleep @guardianus