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Here are some excerpts from a book I recently read, "Buzzed: The Straight Facts about the Most Used and Abused Drugs from Alcohol to Ecstasy," by Cynthia Kuhn.
As scientists, we have devoted years to the study of the
effects of drugs on the brain and behavior. We have seen the stunning
advances in understanding the actions of the chemicals that have been
with us for thousands of years. Yet surprisingly, little of this
information is effectively translated for the public. We have become
convinced that contemporary efforts to educate people about the effects
of alcohol and other drugs are inadequate and misdirected. There is a
lot of important information in the scientific literature about
addiction and the effects of drugs, but it is not reaching the people
who need to know it. The actions of drugs on the brain are complicated
and vary tremendously from drug to drug and person to person, making it
impossible to make blanket statements like “drugs kill” and have them
believed by anyone who has any drug experience.
marijuana controversy is an excellent example. Some organizations have
taken a hard line that this drug is devastating to anyone who uses it.
Other organizations view it as harmless and support its legalization for
totally unregulated consumption. In our opinion, the truth is somewhere
in between. As you will read in the marijuana chapter, marijuana causes
memory problems and interacts with the immune system in unknown ways.
It has effects many hours after it enters the body, even if the user is
unaware of those effects. So it is not harmless. But people do not die
from marijuana overdoses (as they do from overdoses of alcohol). Any
truthful discussion of marijuana must include a range of topics and a
realistic representation of risk, which cannot be accomplished by
exchanging slogans.
the 1600s, trade merchants had introduced coffee to Europe, and
“coffeehouses” spread rapidly. One of the hallmarks of these
establishments was intellectual conversation. Not all of this
conversation was viewed as politically correct, however, and
coffeehouses were outlawed in England. That ban was very brief, and the
growth of coffeehouses and the use of coffee spread even more rapidly
thereafter. In fact, coffeehouses came to be known as places where one
could go to learn from notable academic and political figures of the
day. The environment created in coffeehouses turned out to be one that
gave rise to creative thinking in the entrepreneurial and business
realms as well. As an example, the giant insurance firm Lloyd’s of
London actually began as a coffeehouse in the early 1700s.
can we tell if we are releasing endorphins? First, we could give a drug
like naloxone (Narcan) and see if the endorphin high stopped. This
approach has actually been tested on people listening to their favorite
music, who found that they didn’t enjoy the music as much if they were
treated with an opiate antagonist.
addiction researchers think that once people are established addicts,
the desire to avoid withdrawal maintains addiction more than the
pleasurable effects of the drug. Obviously, when people first get
addicted, they haven’t been taking the drug long enough to go through
intense withdrawal if they stop. However, after several months or years,
the withdrawal is stronger and may contribute more to an addict’s
continued drug taking. If you know taking the drug will solve the
problem, it seems an easy solution, doesn’t it? In the end, it is a
combination of changes in the brain that create the overwhelming
compulsion to keep using narcotics (or any other highly addictive drug).
Researchers think that the craving for a drug may result from chemical
changes in two parts of the brain that unfortunately combine their
efforts: the parts of the brain that seek reward are chemically changed
to respond strongly to drug cues, and the parts of the brain that create
anxiety and bad feelings start firing as soon as the drug wears off.
isn’t there still cocaine in Coca-Cola? The tale is familiar in today’s
environment of public activism about product safety. During the early
1900s, unregulated sales of “tonics” containing potent ingredients such
as opium and cocaine boomed. Some of these formulations contained so
much cocaine (hundreds of milligrams per milliliter instead of the 0.5
milligrams per milliliter in the original Parke-Davis formula) that
toxicities became widespread. The medical establishment finally took
note. Unfortunately, a scare campaign with racist overtones also
contributed to the public furor. Reports that cocaine made African
Americans powerful and uncontrollable contributed to the wave of
negative publicity. In 1906, the Pure Food and Drug Act required that
manufacturers list the ingredients on all tonics, and in 1914, the
Harrison Narcotic Act imposed severe restrictions upon the distribution
of opium and cocaine products. Today, Coca-Cola contains only caffeine,
and clinical cocaine use is restricted to a few surgical procedures.