All Things in Moderation

At least once a year, I try to write to my elected officials in DC so they can hear from this citizen. 
Here's this year's note.


I am one of your constituents, and as such I take seriously my responsibility to write to you at least once a year so you can hear from me.  Usually, I write to you about an issue that matters to me; in the past, that has included my thoughts on immigration, mental health, innovation, and taxes.

Today I write with something more simple in mind.  Rather than raise an issue, I simply want to let you know that in general I am politically moderate, which is to say that while I may have positions on certain issues I believe it is important for me as a citizen to respect all opinions and for you as our elected official to hear all opinions.

The art of compromise is inherent to this grant experiment we call American democracy.  Our system of checks and balances and our distribution of power across multiple nodes is a model for the rest of the world.  It may be exceedingly frustrating at times to get things done this way, but I shudder at the corruption and abuse that would certainly follow any other approach.

Alas, we are in the midst of unprecedented partisanship.  Both sides are not only far apart from each other, but united mainly in a disdain for the other side.  To reach across the aisle, to give and take, to compromise - the thing that has made our country - is rare because it is seen as reprehensible.

This has to stop.  But it can only stop if you know that there are people who are in the middle.  I am identifying as one of them, and I know many others.  We are not anyone's "base," and we are not looking for "red meat."  We are looking for civility, for cooperation, for action, and for progress.  

The ratings for you and your fellow elected officials are...not good.  This is one of the reasons.  Please hear our voice, and get working.  For us. 


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