Lazy Linking, 165th in an Occasional Series

Stuff I liked lately on the Internets:
165.1 Whoa...are we one big step closer to a game-changing universal translator? @businessinsider

165.2 Would ppl still support universal pre-K if it was shown it didn’t really work? @washingtonpost

165.3 Ankle injuries + sports science + epic work ethic = a Steph Curry that's better than anyone could've imagined @espn Sharing economy, open source, green energy: Ben Franklin was the original disruptive innovator @whartonmagazine

165.5 White privilege is like wondering why bikers feel so vulnerable in a system designed for cars

165.6 The science & the stats say 82 NBA games in 160 days is bad for player health @espn

165.7 Networks maven Duncan Watts: despite Facebook, we're not actually that more connected in the world @medium

165.8 Shout-out to The Enterprise Center for helping food entrepreneurs @citylab

165.9 OK Go w/another awesome video…this one’s in zero G @youtube

165.10 Richard Florida on the economics of food truck location @nextcityorg


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