Spruce Hill Community Association is Seeking Volunteers for Spruce Hill's May Fair
Spruce Hill Community Association's May Fair is a fun day at Clark Park, with all sorts of tables to visit and friends to meet and (for the kids) games to play. On that last thing, I'm looking for five volunteers to staff the moon bounce and obstacle course area. There will be a person there from the place we're renting these things from, to make sure no one gets hurt, but we still need the station staffed in terms of collecting money and getting kids in and out.
If you're interested in helping out, the event will take place on Saturday, May 11, and we need coverage for one-hour slots from 10:30 am to 3:30 pm. Leave me a note in the comments or send me a message if you're available.
If you're interested in helping out, the event will take place on Saturday, May 11, and we need coverage for one-hour slots from 10:30 am to 3:30 pm. Leave me a note in the comments or send me a message if you're available.