Class Blog

The first class of my Quantitative Tools for Consulting is in the books, and I am very happy with my students.  I thoroughly enjoyed meeting them, reveled in the diversity of their experiences and interests, and am very much looking forward to learning from and with them this summer.  Did I mention my class is 3 1/2 hours on a Saturday morning?  And yet the conversation was engaging, their questions were sharp, and their answers were even sharper.  I am impressed.

I thought it would be fun for us to blog through the course, and thankfully one of my students graciously volunteered to set up a blog on Wordpress.  You can find it here if you want to follow along on our riffs.  We're going to be all over the map, which I'm looking forward to, because there's so much more that I'm interested in than that I'm good at, so I'm definitely going to be reading and reacting with great interest to all the great posts that will emerge from this fantastic group, and will try to post there myself on occasion.


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