You're Invited to Sunday School (Especially if You're Not a Christian)

With the departure of my dear friend and our interim pastor to the mission field, I have been asked to fill in on the remaining sessions of our Sunday School class called "The Reason for God." The class involves watching and discussing a DVD of a discussion between acclaimed New York City pastor Tim Keller and a bunch of non-Christians about faith and religion. I have participated since the inception of this class earlier this fall, and have enjoyed and have been encouraged and challenged by the discussion. Young Christians, old Christians, and non-Christians have taken turns sharing and probing about such things as whether Christianity is a myth, what we make of Christianity's claims to be the absolute way to God, and how we feel about all these rules.

Over the next few weeks, we'll be covering the following ground: (1) Why is there so much suffering in the world; how can a good God allow so much evil; (2) Why is there so much injustice in the world; how come so many Christians are hypocrites; and (3) How can God be loving and yet send people to hell. The class starts at 9:30a and runs for about 50 minutes, and is held in Kirk Hall, which you can get to by entering the Pine Street entrance of our church at 42nd and Pine Streets. You need not attend the morning worship service which takes place in our sanctuary starting at 10:30a.

As someone who did not grow up in the church, I have appreciated the comments by non-Christians in the DVD and in our discussion. I guess even though I have now been a Christian longer than I have not, I still consider myself somewhat of an outsider looking in. Or, perhaps more specifically, I inherently prefer to weigh arguments rather than just accept them without investigation. If you are like that, or if you are curious, or if you are seeking, you should come to the class. If anything, your presence will make me feel less nervous leading.


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