Prayer for Entrepreneurs

I was asked to give the blessing at Passing the Torch, last night's fundraiser for The Enterprise Center. Here's what I prayed.

Dear God, we thank for all you've done to make this night and this place possible, and we thank you for all the people you've used to make this night and this place possible.

Lord, even as we celebrate tonight, we are sobered by the challenges we are faced with, challenges of an economic and social and community nature. Demand is down, resources seem lacking, unemployment is high, and the need is great.

So I ask your blessing on this audience and on this organization, O God, that you might provide what we need to do the important work you have given us to do. Help these entrepreneurs among us to be wise, honest, and productive. May their ventures create jobs, provide quality products and services, and anchor our neighborhoods.

Heavenly Father, as torches are passed, we honor the present generation for carrying the flame thus far, and ask you to be with the future generation as they carry it forward. And we trust that, day by day, season by season, generation after generation, You will make a way, even when it seems there is no way.

And so by Your grace and by faith, to You, O Lord, do we commit ourselves, our work, and tonight's festivities. In the name of Jesus I pray. Amen.


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