Still Committed

Twenty years ago this month I was baptized at Canaan Taiwanese Christian Church with two of my friends. It might have been the only time in my dad’s life he attended a church service; he and my mom were there to see the ceremony and hear me speak of why it was I was making this faith choice. It seems like a long, long time ago, and it was: I’ve had more life since that day than before that day.

But while my understanding of what it is I was assenting to in that ceremony may have evolved since then, it is still the same faith, the same God, the same meaning. I’m not enough of a theologian to school you on what it means, but even on a shallow level, you can easily see that it signifies a public declaration of commitment. It was a commitment I was ready to make after a couple of years of wrestling with what it meant.

And it is a commitment I stand ready to affirm each day in the present and into the future. Thanks be to God, for calling me to Himself and for continuing to replenish that call. And thanks be to many, so many, along the way, who have helped me, modeled for me, walked with me, carried me, so that I could keep on responding affirmatively to that call.


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