The Other Lee

I got word earlier this month that a college friend of mine, Lee Shepski, had passed away. Lee was a significant influence on my life during the two years we overlapped at Penn and for several years thereafter. My freshman year he served as my spiritual mentor, tirelessly and faithfully instructing me, correcting me, ever so gently guiding me during my formative phase in the faith. He was also a good friend, with whom I share a lot of funny stories, intimate conversations, and fond memories.

Though I work hard to keep in touch with as many people as possible as often as possible, and though we have plenty of tools at our disposal to do so, it had been several months since we had chatted on the phone; we had planned to connect in Philadelphia but had to reschedule at the last minute, and never did find a time and place to meet up. He will be dearly missed by me and by so many others who had the fortune of intersecting with him. My deepest condolences and my prayers go out to his family.


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