Position Opening - Part-Time Children Youth and Family Director at Woodland Presbyterian Church at 42nd/Pine

Hi all, please let me know if you or anyone you know is interested in this position. I have provided some summary info below and can send anyone the full position description. Hoping for Summer 2011 start.

Job Title:
Director of Children, Youth, and Family (CYF) Ministries

Hours per Week:


Start Date:
Negotiable (prefer Summer 2011)

Overview of Position and Opening:

Woodland Presbyterian Church is a multi-ethnic, multi-generational church located in an urban setting at the intersection of campuses and community. We are a PC-USA congregation that was first formed in the 1860’s. Our Sunday morning worship service typically draws 100 worshippers, including 15-25 children. We believe that children, youth, and families are all important members of the family of God, and therefore their spiritual growth is an integral part of the overall health of the church and its mission to the neighborhood around us. The Director of Children, Youth, and Family (CYF) Ministries works in collaboration with other staff, Session, and volunteers from the congregation towards that end. There is always more to do than the time allotted each week, so prioritization, efficiency, and delegation are important components of a successful CYF Director, as is the ability to work with a wide range of children, youth, families, volunteers, and staff members.

Woodland’s staff presently includes a full-time Interim Senior Pastor, a full-time Sexton, a part-time Administrative Associate, and a part-time Music Minister. It is our preference that we are able to fill this position in time for a Summer 2011 start date. If you are interested in this position, please submit your cover letter and resume to Lee Huang, Chairperson of the Personnel Team, at jobs@woodlandpres.net (email), fax (215 386-1725), or mail (42nd and Pine Streets, Philadelphia PA 19104). We will try to answer all inquiries and will contact you if we would like to set up an interview.


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