2010 Car Usage

I had so much fun reporting on car trips in 2009 that I decided to do it again for 2010. For the year, I took 80 trips totaling 252 legs, plus was a passenger on 58 other legs, for a total of 310 legs, or less than one a day. (Remember that a leg is any time I go from Point A to Point B, so if I take the kids to the zoo and gas up on the way, that's three legs driven; or if my friend gives me a ride home from the ballgame and we stop by his rental to check on something before dropping me off, that's two legs ridden.)

This doesn't count out-of-town trips. Not surprisingly, I was well over one a day in car-oriented places like the Bay Area and the Jersey Shore, and didn't even step foot in a car when I went to places like Baltimore, Harrisburg, DC, and Manhattan.

You can see from the monthly chart above that there were two spikes up: March and June. I don't quite remember why March was so car-intensive - it was when Amy was taking night classes, so I would do double school drop-off and pick-up one day a week, but that was true in January, February, and April, as well. We must have gone to Please Touch Museum a lot that month. June was when Amy sprained her ankle, so there was more shuttling via automobile that month.

Tracking and then monitoring car trips is surely a good way to be mindful of how much you drive. I encourage you to do the same. But you may not find as much pleasure as I do in nerdily making charts to display the results.


Daniel Nairn said…
This is cool! There are some websites out there that ask members to track their commutes, but they rarely get as much detail as you've kept track of. I'm part of something call Nuride that supposedly gives rewards for alt commuting (basically coupons) but I always forget to input anything.
LH said…
Daniel, thanks for the kind words. I'll have to check out Nuride - anything that combines responsible commuting and coupon clipping has to be cool!

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