Support Asian Arts Initiative

Earlier this month, I got to spend a little bit of time at the Asian Arts Initiative at 1219 Vine Street with its executive director, Gayle Isa. At a time in which the memorable news locally as it relates to Asians is their victimization in and around schools at the hands of largely African-American perpetrators, I want to commend Gayle and her crew for creating a marvelous space, physically and metaphorically, for Asians and African-Americans (and Latinos and Caucasians) to come together around creativity and art and expression and identity. It is a truly remarkable organization and set of programs, and speaks to the power of art to cut across skin color and life experience, and to the tireless work of the staff and board of Asian Arts Initiative. I strongly encourage you to join me in giving them a hand clap, and ask you to think about strategizing, as I am, of ways you can contribute in more tangible ways.


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