My Most Important Follower

I am tweeting more frequently - I've found it a useful alternative or supplement to my blogging, both on the personal and professional side - and picking up some random followers in the process. My assumption is these are folks who are themselves looking for lots of followers, so their hope is that if they follow me, I will do the same.

But my tweets are often intended not at all for these strangers/followers, but for one who isn't even following me officially. When I tweet, often it's for my mom, so she can see what I'm up to or how cute her grandkids are. Indeed, often what I post is incredibly inane for the rest of the world but of utmost interest to my mom.

Hence, I will keep posting, about an elegant water jug I saw at a breakfast meeting one morning or about my kids scaling a rock climbing wall at the local playground. Because you may not find this interesting, but my mom does.


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