On the Radio

Amidst the hustle and bustle of juggling clients and proposals and deadlines and documents, it was nice to break away in the early afternoon, take the bus out to Bala Cynwyd, and appear on my friend L. Renee Mitchell's business and finance radio program on WNWR, "The Hunt with L. Renee." She was a gracious and accomplished host, making me feel very comfortable in the studio (hard to do when you're fearful of sounding like a fool on live radio), and keeping our live conversation flowing (hard to do when you're talking about economics). Alas, the 30-minute show flew by, and then it was back to the office and back to work. If you have radio access on Wednesdays at 1:30 in the afternoon, tune in to 1540 AM; if she could make even me sound halfway decent, you know she can do a good program.