Huang Family Newsletter, May 2010

Adults - Amy finished all her coursework and promptly received and accepted a full-time position to work within the hospital unit of the Philadelphia prison system, starting in September. Lee did his usual juggling of work and other projects, and enjoyed a nice evening sneak-away from the family to catch a Phils game with a friend.

Kids - Aaron and Jada did their share of hard labor, including helping out with the front lot garden and chipping in on a neighborhood clean-up of the bird sanctuary in our backyard. They also did their share of having a riot of fun, including candy- and prize-laden parties at Carousel House, Collingswood, and the Penn campus, as well as Memorial Day weekend barbecues galore.

PS A quick update on Lee's mom: she's finally back home, after five months in hospitals and other facilities, due in large part to three separate bouts of pneumonia. She is still vulnerable to infection but the fact that she was cleared to go home is a very good sign and is likely to generate a significant emotional boost for her. Continued prayers are appreciated for her health, recovery, and adjustment, as well as strength for Lee's dad, who will continue his primary caregiver role.


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