Philadelphia, Video Game Mecca

Philadelphia, video game mecca? You betcha. This post from Innovation Philadelphia notes some of its natural advantages: close to but cheaper than other big hubs, established cultural and artistic roots, and lots of college kids.

Could a future version of Grand Theft Auto feature cars careening onto the plaza in front of Comcast Center or plowing through vegetable stands in Italian Market? One can dream.


David Larsson said…
Thanks for posting this, Lee. Buried deep in the 8th paragraph of the linked article is a reference to Final Form, which is an enterprise composed of my son, Halsted Larsson, and his compadres, Tim and Mike Amgbrogi. They occupy an office that is at least 20 steps from mine, but why walk down the hall when I can watch them right here?. It's fun to have all those brainwaves flying around in here.
LH said…
Hi David, thanks for chiming in, and kudos to your son for all of his accomplishments. And all those years, I was trying to tell my mom that playing video games was good for me . . .

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