When Economists Fight

Paul Krugman vs. Greg Mankiw on the economics of health care. And, Paul Krugman vs. Greg Mankiw in a joust. To paraphrase a recent commercial, when economists compete, you win.


Eric Orozco said…
Funny....maybe this is the only venue that Mankiw is interesting. Or maybe you're just an economist. According to a recent post, Mankiw's blog makes Ryan Avent (of Bellows) snore.

For me, economists would be more interesting if they debated more what just happened the past three years. I'd like to understand better the perfect storm of events that led to the financial crunch...There's I'm sure plenty of fodder for more lucid thinking. My interest is specifically the contribution of the housing bubble (what factors and scales we are talking about). Know any good analyses?

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