Happy Fathers Day

Happy Fathers Day! A pat on the back to all the dads out there. And, with that, a call to all of us to step up in our dadhood and be there for our loved ones: tell them we love them, tell them we'll be there for them, and then bust our tails making sure our actions match our words.
To paraphrase an inspirational speaker I recently heard, there's nothing more deflating than to walk around with a hole in your heart where your father's praise should be, and nothing more elevating than to hear and receive and live in that praise. We may not all be dads, but there are many kids out there who don't have dads that might benefit from getting some dadness from you. And we may not all have dads, but we all have a Heavenly Father from whom we can hear and receive and live in His praise. In that spirit, again I say, Happy Fathers Day.