Four Stories about a Father and a Son

You may know from a previous post that I'm on a seven-year rotation when it comes to reading through the Bible. So as of earlier this week, I'm back in the gospels, as familiar a part of the Bible to most people as any, and therefore tempting to gloss over as "old news."
One thing that has helped this go round is that this is the first time I've studied the gospels since I became a dad. And reading what Jesus and his parents went through in his early years reinforces for me how profound, precious, and solid God's plan is for our lives.
Consider young Mary and Joseph, already probably getting whispers from their local community about an unexpected pregnancy. A Caesar-decreed census brings them to their hometown of Bethlehem, where their baby is born in far from an ideal setting. They flee to Egypt and then to Nazareth, a step ahead of a vengeful Herod.
My own kids arrived into our lives in circuitous ways, as well. And God had a plan for them to get them here. And God had a plan to bring His Son into life and onto death. And God has a plan for us as well, however roundabout and remarkable our journeys may seem in the meantime. Having read the Gospels many times, but now for the first time as a dad, I see what God shepherded His Son through, and how He turned out, and I am full of wonder and encouragement.