Leisure Reading
hours on the plane to and from LA. Since I was busy all the way up to
this trip and upon my return, and since the trip itself was packed
with activities, my plane times were really my two only big chunks of
uninterrupted time to myself.
So how did I spend them? Reading a big stack of articles that had
piled up over the past six months. All told, I plowed through 80+
such articles, on such topics as transportation, planning, and the
environment. I read special reports from the Economist, studies my
firm had done that I personally hadn't participated in, and Harvard
Business Review pieces. The articles ranged from 2 pages to 152
pages, and took me all around Philadelphia, across the country, and
around the world.
And when each plane landed, the stewardesses gave me funny looks when,
as they manned the aisles with trash bags, I handed them 300-page
stacks of paper. This is what passes for leisure reading for me. I
know, it's sick.