At last count, I intersect with transit-oriented development activities at 46th and Market in at least six ways:

* I'm a pro-transit Philadelphia resident that wants to see more of this in our City.

* I live in this neighborhood.

* I used to work for the organization that is leading the development effort.

* I am now on the board of that organization.

* I co-authored a report last year on TOD in Philadelphia, which recommended this site as an attractive first site to move ahead on.

* I am currently co-authoring a report on how the City and SEPTA can come together to help move this project forward.

This is exciting to follow. Keep your eye out.


JP in PHL said…
I've been wondering about how this project was going since I now use 46th St Station regularly. It's a little disappointing that after a year, the overgrown common space between 46th and Farragut / Market and Ludlow is still just an overgrown lot instead of a park.

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