And Little Children Shall Lead Us
Our church has been through a heavy season of late; and at times
members have confessed that at times, even the Sunday morning service
has lacked pep. It would be deliciously appropriate if what causes
the clouds to finally break are the littlest among us. Our minister
of music has instituted what I believe to be a wonderful routine, in
that at the end of every service, she encourages the kids to come
forward and grab musical instruments as we sing our last song. The
sight of hordes of bubbly kids bopping away is enough to bring a smile
to even the most hardened sort.
members have confessed that at times, even the Sunday morning service
has lacked pep. It would be deliciously appropriate if what causes
the clouds to finally break are the littlest among us. Our minister
of music has instituted what I believe to be a wonderful routine, in
that at the end of every service, she encourages the kids to come
forward and grab musical instruments as we sing our last song. The
sight of hordes of bubbly kids bopping away is enough to bring a smile
to even the most hardened sort.
And upon further reflection, the blessing is even deeper. Here is
worship as it was meant to be: joyful, light, and honoring to God.
Maybe one Sunday you'll find all of us bopping around, taking our cues
from the littlest among us, the first to remember what it looks like
to truly worship God.