
A college friend of mine was recently ordained, and an effort was made to assemble some congratulatory remarks from those close to him.  Here are excerpts from my contribution:

This ordination represents a lot of work on your part, for which I
hope you will be able to take time to celebrate.  It also represents a
human imparting of authority and responsibility, which I know you will
not dishonor.  And of course it represents a special anointing by God
- you have been called, first to be in relationship with Him, and now
to hold a special office among the priesthood of all believers, for
which you will be held to account and through which you will bless and
be blessed.

I believe in the leavening effect of saints in communities, not just
through passive osmosis but through active engagement, in the
spiritual and structural things that govern our day to day living.
And from that perspective, my family is blessed to be your neighbor
and I am blessed to be your co-laborer for the Kingdom.
Congratulations today, from me and my family.


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