If you get a chance, take a look at "A Citizen's Guide to Mayor Nutter's FY2009 Budget." It's a nice description of what's in the budget, and how that budget reflects the new mayor's policy priorities. Since this is his first go-round, you can't blame the guy for wanting to be very transparent and very explanatory.

But I also see the fingerprints of some of my classmates from Fels in this document. I know at least two who are very close to the mayor and/or the budget process, and I'm sure there are others. The evidence is in the heavy emphasis on performance measurement, a Felsonian hallmark. It's nice to have a mayor whose desire for accountability and results has opened the door for my fellow alum to play a role in shaping city policy. Kudos to him and kudos to them, and kudos to the Fels Institute for playing its part in shaping future city leaders.


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