Britney Spears, Best in Prayers

The cold caught me, so instead of racing through the day I've been
more like moping. Amy's been a rock star, juggling our two kids with
little help from me and making me soup and grilled cheese sandwiches
that are so good they make my knees buckle. Best of all, she chastens
me when I try to slough off my sickness and get back to my usual
frenetic pace: "Go lie down!"

So I have. And have taken this rare opportunity to catch up on the
books piled up on my nighstand. The one on top is "Word Freak," by
Stephan Fatsis. It's about a journalist's descent into the world of
competitive Scrabble.

And I thought I liked words. These guys study the dictionary for fun,
memorize all sanctioned 2-, 3-, and 4-letter words, and anagram at the
same speed it takes for normal people to spell. All in all, a good
read, and while I'm hoping to be at full strength soon, I'm glad for
this delicious book to keep me company while I'm on the sidelines.

PS If you're wondering about the cryptic title to this post, both
phrases are anagrams of "Presbyterians." Who knew?


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