My Idol

I have blogged often in this space about my love for road running, but
I'm afraid I'll have to give it up for longer than I had hoped. It
looks like I have what is commonly known as "runner's knee," which
happens when the tendon that runs down the outside of your knee gets
irritated from too much rubbing against the knee bone. I have to
stretch it out real good for about a half-hour four times a week for
the next couple of months, and I can't even sniff a short run for the
next couple of weeks, maybe even more if I'm feeling discomfort once I
hit the road again.

Running is a very good way to stay in shape, and road running is a
very good way to experience the vibe of a city. In the movie,
"Chariots of Fire," the lead character, a devout Christian, proclaims,
"When I run, I feel God's pleasure." And yet, even and especially
good things can become idols if we cling to them too tightly and can't
give them up for a season. And so in seeing how cranky I have gotten
during this time of not being able to hit the pavement, I understand
that road running can be an idol in my life. You don't have to read
too far down the Ten Commandments to find out what God thinks about
idols in our lives.

And so here I am, having begun a self-imposed run fast and now having
a longer run fast imposed upon me. Honestly, I'm hoping I learn my
lesson so I can get back on the road. But I guess I should also learn
my lesson so I can keep myself from idols.


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