I want to thank our pastor Scott not only for giving a great sermon this morning (he is a truly gifted communicator of Biblical truths) but for also giving me three more reasons why the City is better than the Garden (from his exegesis of Revelation 21:22-27):

1. God’s revelation is fuller there (v.22). In the Garden, God is always coming and then going. But in the City, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are always there, illumining the entire city.

2. It better represents the fullness and diversity of creation (v.24, 26). In the Garden, it’s just Adam and Eve. But in the City, all the nations and tribes will bring their unique perspective on God and worship to the party.

3. There will be absolute security from danger (v.25, 27). In the Garden, the serpent’s lies cause Adam and Eve to sin. But in the City, lies and sin aren’t allowed in, and evil has been so vanquished that the city gates never need to be shut.

The mind-blowing thing about this is that those three truths are still true even if there was no Fall. God intended for us to end up in the City because the City is better than the Garden. How wonderful!


Unknown said…
Amen about the city. The city is not God's reclamation project - it has been God's final destination all along. If only the city was the Church's destination more often...
DJ Chuang said…
being married to a "city girl", she'd love to hear this theological reflection and justification for the value of a city life! :)

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